CKA Notes
Studying for the CKA exam, wanted to keep some notes I found helpful that I might polish up later for others to enjoy. These include analogies, visualizations, explanations, etc.
Master / Control Plane (cp)
Cluster Store
- Key/value store for cluster
- Stores current state
- Typically etcd
Controller vs Controller Manager
- Controller - keeps asking the same question to its appropriate subordinate resources. Think “mum?” gif from Family Guy. Controller runs in infinite control loops.
- Controller Manager - keeps track of changes in responses received by controllers and communicates changes to apiserver. Helps maintain desired state.
- Watches apiserver for new pods
- Assigns work to nodes based on availability
- Respects constraints
API Server
- RESTful
- Single, central intermediary for all other cp services
Nodes (Workers/Minions)
- Main k8s agent inside a node, must run as long as node runs
- Watches API server
- Instantiates pods
- Reports back to master
- Exposes endpoint on port 10255
Container Engine
- Manages containers (pulling images, starting/stopping containers)
- Usually Docker, can be others
If Kubernetes were a person (stage crew)
- K8s admin = stage director
Admin: [finishes writing a letter] Done. [Hands letter to API server]
API Server: [reads letter, ]
Replication Controllers
Ensures specified number of pods are running